How to Select Blogger Post Thumbnails as you wish/select one from many

Change Blogger Post Thumbnails as you wish

Some of you asked me that they wanna use post thumbnails which they want. But blogger has no system of this. So, is there no way???

No, I'm giving you a way. Actually this is not a pst with lot of code. This is only a Trick. Not need to use any code, anywhere. This is a short trick. 

If you need to use some image in your post, then which image will be selected as thumbnails? Blogger select it automatically. Generally blogger select the 1st image. But if you need to select another, then what will you do? 

Just insert this photo by uploading which one you wanna use as thumbnails. Insert the other photo by doing copy from google or anywhere. You can upload the photo on facebook. Then go to the photo. click right button of your mouse and select copy image. Then go to the post and paste the image. Blogger won't count the photo as a photo, therefor it will select the image as thumbnails which one uploaded.  This is the trick. 

So, Enjoy
