Earn Money With your Blog with RevenueHits (No need to Approve)/ Best Google Adsense Alternative

Are you a new blogger?
Have your site been visited less than 100 in a day?
Did you fail to approve your site on Google adsense?
Do you worry about to earn with your blog?

If those ans are yes for you, then this tutorial is for you. Now I will show you How to earn with your blog using RevenueHits. So no more talk... just follow my instruction.

1st. You have register with your site & email
Click on Registration down bollow
2nd. Click on Sing Up on right corner of the page
3rd. Give information which needed. I have given them with red box in the picture

4th. After filling all box click on Next Step
5th. Next you will see another box. Fill up it which needed. I have given them with red box in picture

Click on Submit. 
6th. Go to your mail box of given mail & verify it. 
Then click on Log in and Log in with your username and password.
