How to Create a Free Blog site in 2 minute by Blogger

Create a Blog

Now a days everyone have a blog site. If you haven't, it's a matter of sorrow. But now I gonna make you happy. Cuz you gonna be a owner of a BLOG. So let's start....

What is Blogger?

Blogger is a online Blog making tool developed by Google. So, of course it's a big tool. It's also super easy. To make a blog you not need any idea about Html, php, javascript........bla bla.... or anything. Just follow me and be a owner of a blog site.

1st steps

To create a Blog you must need a gmail account. If you have one, then go to next steps. Or create a gmail account from here

2nd steps
After getting a gmail account you have to go to . Log in with gmail account.

3rd steps
Here you will see like this image. Just click on New Blog

4th steps

Here you will see a window. Now you have to put your Blog Title and blog url in these box. Give your blog name such as Blog-Tech on first box. Give blog url such as You must put on your url. And then select a Template as your wish. See on image.

5th steps

If everything ok, Then your blog will be created. So this is your blog. For checking go to your url. Now I will show you some basic thing of blogger. 

Some Needed Things
If you wanna post on your site just click on new post. Here you will see 2 box. 1st box for post title. And the 2nd box for post content. You can post by html code. Just click on Html. You can change your text size, bold text, underline text, change text colour, put image, put link, put video. After writing your post click on publish or save it. See on image

If you wanna change your blog style, Just click on Template on your dashboard. To upload Template click on Backup/Restore, and for changing from default template click customize and select template as you wish. 

So, This is your blog. For Updating your blog follow our more tutorial. You can check our videos. Like our facebook page. And subscribe our youtube channel. For any kind of Trick stay with us...

