Some Wonderful shortcut to use Facebook (PC only)

Daily we upload a lot of photo & status to Facebook. It's very hard to not watching the timeline before going to bed at night. But with the use of Facebook every day, many of us do not know the many details of this social media.

How many options are in settings??
Many of them are unknown to most of us.
Suppose someone would like to comment to a picture, but we don't have to open the comment box to do this.

On the keyboard press c and the comment box will be opened. You can share a post by pressing s. There are several short cuts. Find out those short cuts:

j, k - Scroll between
News Feed stories

p - Post a new status

L - Like or unlike the selected story
c - Comment on
the selected story
s - Share the selected story
o - Open attachment of selected story

So that can be done with a letter. Also the shortcuts used in any software,
There are some such methods. So that you will reach the one at the Friendlist. He will not need to click FRIENDS to find out the options. Take a look at them:

Alt + Shift + 0 - Help
Alt + Shift + 1 - Home

Alt + Shift + 2 - Timeline

Alt + Shift + 3 - Friends
Alt + Shift + 4 - Inbox

Alt + Shift + 5 - Notifications

Alt + Shift + 6 - Settings
Alt + Shift + 7 - Activity Log

Alt + Shift + 8 -About

Alt + Shift + 9 -Terms

Alt + Shift + m -New Message

Check them. If you like it, do not forget to tell friends.
